Create Your Own Killer Lead Magnet

Create Your Own Killer Lead Magnet

So What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is essentially a freebie that you give to people who visit your website in exchange for their email addresses.

Many businesses believe that a lead magnet is simply a way to get people to join your email list, but if done right, this magnet could become a valuable tool that gains attention on its own which drives traffic to your website. Nothing changes your fortune faster than an engaged email list.

First things first, you need to find out what your customers are going to find valuable.

One of the key ways you could find this out is to ask your audience. You could do this by sending out an email survey, or by setting up a chatbot to ask the question to the people visiting your website.

After you find out what they might find valuable, it is time to get creative and build your tool:

Create a Tool

This tool doesn’t have to be complicated but it does have to be useful! A Lot of marketers suggest e-books but when was the last time you downloaded and read an e-book?

We would suggest a swipe file they can put to use to see results in their business, templates, checklists and ROI calculators.

Make it Easy to Consume

Here at Collabrium, we have a rule of thumb. If it takes more than 10 minutes to consume then people won’t read it.

Think of it this way, how many pieces of information are you inundated with a day? If a massive free e-book hits your emails along with all the other information, are you likely to read it?

As the matter of fact is, no one has the time or the attention span in today’s society, no matter how great it may be.

Simply put, they are looking for an answer to their problem.

Instant Fulfilment

You want your audience to see a result as quickly as possible. The quicker the result, the better chance you have in converting them into a customer down the track.

A lead magnet is extremely powerful when used correctly. By taking into account these simple tips, you’ll be able to build a highly engaging and converting tool that will transform parts of your lead management.

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